Challenges faced by individuals in Online Education Ecosystem

Online education brings in lot of benefits and flexibility. Along with Offline education online can prove to be great Hybrid model. However, it is important to take cognizance the challenges faced by various people who are part of the ecosystem.
Through E – Learning, professors and teachers can increase student’s interest in the subject matter. The use of online proctoring software has several benefits.
But occasionally, all the students, parents, teachers, and school management experience issues while conducting or taking an online exam.
In this article, we will discuss the challenges faced by:
- Students
- School Management
- Teachers
- Parents
Challenges Faced by Students
- Sometimes chapters are done in a hurried manner
- Not enough time dedicated to tackling complex topics
- Not getting enough practice tests
- Due to a lack of enough practice tests, not all types of questions can be covered
- Inconsistency in invigilation sometimes gives undue advantage to some
- Unfair practices deter discipline and hence honesty
Challenges Faced by School Management
- Pressure from parents for completion of the course
- Bring in the consistency of invigilation during exams
- Bring in discipline amongst students on being sincere in leaning
- Honesty
- Give enough practice/class/semester tests to students to better their performance during finals
- Incorporate technology to make education more effective. The best of both offline and online platforms is the Hybrid
Challenges Faced by Teachers
- Lack of time to complete the course
- Unable to dedicate more time to complex topics
- Unable to give more practice tests/Class tests to make students familiar with various question types
- Due to the pressure of manual marking of answer sheets takes a lot of time; hence may avoid giving practice tests. (online MCQs with automated checking could help)
- Invigilation is a non-productive use of valuable school time
Challenges Faced by Parents
- Online is not a great experience both from a teaching as well as examination perspective
- Trust offline more, but it is time-consuming
- Doesn’t leave much time for other activities for the child
- Children don’t get enough practice before the actual exams
- Large syllabus but limited time; hence each topic is done in a hurry. Concept understanding and practice are inadequate
- Honest students are at a disadvantage during exams
- Due to malpractice, it is challenging to realize the true strengths of their child. Sometimes due to malpractice, the child can score better than the subjects in which he is stronger
Combined challenges of School and Parents
73% of students cheat on online tests, says research. There is still much potential for improvement, even though this number can be reduced to 13% using cutting-edge technologies like remote proctoring and secure browsing.
Final Words
Hybrid mode of education is best suited in today’s world. However, investing in the right tools, system and ecosystem is critical for success of this model.
However, if you want to make things easier and have confidence that your students won’t cheat, use a reliable online exam system like Shinkan, and make sure you have someone on hand who can handle technical issues during exams.
Do you encounter any additional difficulties since switching to online mode? Please tell us in the comments.
The key benefits of using E-assessment include:
- Stimulating high-order thinking is one of the educational goals.
- Providing direct and quick feedback for students.
- Enhancing student performance.
- Minimizing the time and effort required of teachers.
- Lowering the cost to the institution.
Inadequate preparation: Most students who are not prepared for the exam or some students who were not paying attention in the class struggle with the practice since they forget things during exams and experience the stress of the exam.
The examination approach is flexible and secure with online exams. The system can shuffle and present questions to various students in different orders once all the questions have been uploaded. This reduces the likelihood of cheating.
The online exam technologies provide prompt, precise answers within the allotted time. Online test scoring is more superficial than traditional exam marking, which benefits educators by saving time. The evaluation is prompt, dependable, and precise. The outcome of an online examination is more explicit.